Friday, August 15, 2008

Kade's new - soon to be old - look

Well, Kade has been trying to get a mohawk for a bit. He stayed semi-still for Jeff the other day. Then he sat very still at the salon to get it the way he saw in his head. Then he asked if he could dye it green... But now, alas, he has decided he doesn't want it after all. So the hair will grow out (once again) and he will do a different do. I am saddened that comments (just one or two) from people on the street that are negative affect him so much. One lady actually had this sarcastic voice and told him, "I guess you are 'ready' for school with that hair." I felt like responding in a very rude manner. (Don't worry, I didn't...I used my herculean strength.) He looked at her with this happy face turned hurt face. I could only respond, "He most certainly is! Look how awesome he looks!" I don't know if this woman's comment is what made him change his mind. I know he doesn't like others to notice him too overly much. He wants to look cool. He just has to get to the place where what he thinks is cool is cool enough not to care what the outside world reacts like. I think it should be obvious that I don't control what my kids' hair is like since I have one with hair past the middle of his back and one with a mohawk. But, then again, most people only see Kai's hair so assume his is a girl...even when he's in camo and holding the door for them... Enough to is crazy elf himself...with the cool do. I hope he returns to it since he's wanted it off and on for the last 3 years...


  1. aw, it looks awesome! jasper loves to get his hair cut into a mohawk, but will not wear it up... i think he likes them but does not want to hear the comments either!! who cares, eh it's hair and it is such a FUN accessory! thanks for finding me ginger ;)

  2. Oh, that kind of stuff just breaks my heart. My Khy (he's 13 now, but was about 7 or 8 then) had long hair in honor of his hero at the time, Qui-Gon (luckily for the longest time it was just me who took all the negative comments, other mothers assuming I "forced" him to have long hair and didn't realize the trauma I was somehow inflicting) but eventually one too many people at the grocery store mistook him for a girl and he insisted on a cut.

    Now Nicky (8) wears a mohawk on and off and has been lucky to avoid the nastier people, has had mostly good experiences. Maybe if Kade were to get another mohawk right before the LiG conference or some similar thing where he's bound to run into TONS of positive reinforcement to help build up his confidence? It sure does look cool! You say the word and I bet Nicky would show up to LiG with a mohawk, too, for moral support, if I told him about Kade.

  3. Well, I love his mohawk! It looks terrific on him! But, he's be handsome no matter how he wore it. Cruel people out there....sad.
    Thought you'd enjoy some photos I just posted on my blog...check it out (towards bottom of the post) I think my girl has a little crush...she was talking about him on the way home ; ) so cute.

  4. Kade, You look too cool, I love the new hair cut!!!
    You have som great pictures of the Mohawk! Kim

  5. that is the most awesome mohawk I think I've ever seen...and the happiest smile to go along with it. My heart hurts about the comments he got...I agree with what k said...a new 'do right before LiG would be sure to get some of the right kind of attention :)

    My boys *loved* balloon-sword fighting with your boys there, btw ;)

    Peace & Abundance, Cid
