Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yes, we are home. Now we just have to find out who (should I say 'what'?) lives here! Too many things to do in such a little bit of time. Just know we haven't forgotten about you and miss keeping in touch!

Just to hold you till I get back to this is the one and the masquerade ball.

Heehee! We had fun!!!

OK, ok...that guy came with this person...


  1. We miss you!! I came home with a picture or two of Jeff from the Ball but didn't get one of you. You were so cute!

  2. We miss you all terribly, too! It's never long enough for me. Thanks for the pic of Jeff, by the way. Mine was on the flckr group :

    I noticed quite a few of Logan that were simply amazing. How gorgeous can a kid get?!

    Brenna must be back at college now? Hope it wasn't too much of a culture shock for her.

    We send our love your way...

    Hey, are you going to LIFE is Good this year?

  3. I'm not sure about Life is Good. I'd love to, of course. We need to regroup financially a bit. I'm definitely keeping the option open. We'd come just to see you all!

  4. OK. OK. OK! We'd love to have you. Just wanted to see you sooner than later. We'll keep the light on for you all!!!
