Saturday, December 20, 2008

Party time!

We had a bunch of friends over to make some delicious food and play. Mandy took some great pictures for us. You can see them here.

We made some yummy raw desserts - to tempt us with a healthy alternative to all the other stuff we have in our house. It was hosted by me to help me remember I can eat yummy sweets without filling my body with stuff it doesn't respond well to.

We made: apple pie, almond halvah, cinnamon girls (cinnamon tortes), apple cookies, sweet pecan pie, pineapple heart pie (pineapple, mango and coconut), pumpkin cheesecake, chocolate freezer fudge, blonde and chocolate macaroons, pecan tortes, and dark chocolate ganache tart.

Even sharing between the seven families, we ended up with tons! Thankfully most of the desserts can be frozen for later! Yum!

Anyway, there were something like 20 kids here! They had a great time playing and making up their own games. Some helped in the kitchen, too, but most just went and had fun!

Jeff came home and said something like - you should have more of these more often. The house looks better than when I left, the fridge is full of food, the kids are happy and worn out and you have had a good time!


We did have fun and my spirit is happy. How blessed we are to have all the community and good friendship.

1 comment:

  1. we had so much fun too. i'm so glad you orchestrated it. i really enjoy all you ladies (and your kid's too)!
