Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fun. Pure fun.

for all ages :)

Annie challenged Kai to a war.

Personally, I like the fact that Annie had a sniper in the candle.

Kai was winning, even still.

Knowing that learning is natural...

for kids is a big thing for me. People who are unfamiliar with our chosen path to schooling ask me how I know they are 'learning'. I just smile and say, "I just have to look around me and see it. It's everywhere, all the time". Take this, for example:

Yes, you are seeing it right. Here is a closer look.

I found this on the counter a couple of weeks ago. It was left there sometime while I was busy doing something else. And I took a double take when I walked into the kitchen.

Now, you could say that it is just a quirk and that kids do strange things. Well, yes. Sometimes kids do quirky things. But I see it differently. First, one of them (and I am not sure who did it) had to think of trying to put the can on it's edge. Then, they had to find the right volume of liquid needed to balance. There must have been some trial and error before they go it just right. There must have also been some awareness of mass, weight, shape, angle and so forth.

Who says science has to be anything but a soda can, some water and a brain?

I am amazed by the thoughts of my children...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 may be true.

This happened this morning. There were no pauses in the conversation, just a rapid exchange of words.

Kade: Good morning, Mama.
Me: Hey, Baby.
Kade: You know what's amazing?
Me: What's that?
Kade: When I get up I'm really awake.
Me: Yes, that's true for you. You've always been that way. The rest of us, not so much.
Kade: I think it's because I'm a kid.
Me: But Kai's a kid, too.
Kade: No, Kai's an alien.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009