Friday, January 30, 2009

WE get to play with friends tonight!!!

And I'm getting excited. I love having little people over to play! The boys are counting the hours...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

OK, more henna

I hate to waste it! So here are a few pictures of what I did last night. However, it is past its prime, so the stain is not too dark on the back of my hand. I wanted to do a design that supported the one I did on the palm. I also included a new picture of the palm to show how dark it turned out this time! It has reached its peak in color, I think.

I also have great life to report! I am wearing these... From dream to reality.

***As an after note: I wore these shoes for 4 hours today. Granted, most of that time was not spent on my feet. What I have noticed is our counter tops don't appear to be as tall as they do normally *and* I can reach things on the second shelf of the cabinets without getting the stool! Secondly, wearing heels is like roller skating. It's a bit of an adjustment when you first start out, but you get used to it. Once the heels come off, there is still an adjustment time. My physical aftermath is minimal and consists of the normal sensations experienced when one wears shoes that are new and have pressures in places one is not accustomed to. Structural, not electrical. I'm a smilin'!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Today and more...

OK, so I can't say enough for our Dentist. Dr. Baha is the best. We all had our teeth polished last week. Well, the digital xrays they took of the boys showed Kade had 2 cavities in between 2 sets of teeth - making 4 teeth total involved. Before we left, Dr. Baha pulls out these cool race cars and lets Kade know he'll put his name on them (big gifts go for the big jobs, and stickers for the polishings). Anyway, Kade was really excited about getting the race cars, but not too keen on the 'spicy' gel they used last time. So, Dr. Baha said he'd try it without the gel and they'd take it step by step. Before he did anything today, Dr. Baha talked about how if Kade was nervous and tense that he would feel a lot more pain. If he was relaxed, then he probably wouldn't feel any pain. He explained that if Kade raised his hand, Dr. Baha would know he was feeling something more than the vibrating the drill would do. He also made sure Kade was cool and comfy watching Sponge Bob (get this - *with* headphones on!) before he started. Kade lifted his hand 3 times. When he raised his hand, Dr. Baha just switched to another tooth. When we checked with Kade, he said he wanted to continue. Dr. Baha checked to make sure after each set, and let Kade know when he was done with the drilling and was then just sealing and adding the composite. When the tooth is hot, it may hurt, so that is why he moved to another tooth to work on. Tooth cools, no pain! Anyway, Kade made it through the entire drilling/filling without any numbing stuff! Wow, I say. We have played with the race cars (it was a package of 2)...

When we got back, I wanted to put some henna on my hand. So, here is what I did. I like the modern/traditional combination of this design. I found this one online. However, I had to skip some 'rings' simply because either my hand is smaller or their lines are smaller than what I can do with the tip I have. I like how it turned out. The paste was only on for about an hour and a half before life called me back to play. Still, it is darker now than it was when I took the paste off. Crazy.

Annie came home earlier than we expected today and I was able to do this on her back. She wanted the center design (made by a stencil that came with the last bag of henna powder) in the center of her back. I asked if I could do some more and she was nice enough to let me. She was laying down for this, which is easiest for me. Next time I know to lean over her back to do the center so it's straight!

Last week I snagged these from Annie's facebook page so as to have a log here of what she is practicing. The mannequin heads are a bit creepy for me, but I will just have to hang. She will finish 'core' mid February. Right now they are touching on all the things they will need to know and they will go over them in more depth later.

Annie, Hannah and Merissa working on their mannequins.

Annie's french twist.

Annie's, Hannah's, and Merissa's handiwork.

Annie and Hannah

Monday, January 26, 2009

Henna baby belly

Well, I was gifted today. Honored, actually, to be allowed to henna a mama to be. Baby is hanging out for the full 40 weeks and is welcome to arrive any time. Anne mentioned she thought of birds with this bun-in, so she wanted one on her belly someplace. Since I hadn't planned on what I was going to do, I did this. I am so thankful it turned out so well! Thank you, Anne! Blessings...

Thanks go to Anne for being such a beautiful expecting mother, to Mandy for taking the pictures of the design in progress and to Annie for putting henna on others while I was doing this, for pushing Kade in the swing (which he does to connect) and watching the boys play.

There were other henna designs, too. I didn't get all of them, but here are a few.

Juliet with her beautiful butterfly.

Lizet's sun.

The boys had fun today, too. Here is Kai finding a nook to be with friends and swinging.

Then we have the happiest girl in the whole world right here:

Zippy is patiently waiting her turn to get Annie...

"T" is looking the cute pixie fairy girl and talking to Annie. Annie is in heaven holding this little one. I know Jeff saw these pictures and is j-e-a-l-o-u-s, yup, Jealous. He even said that although he may not be taller, he is still bigger, and therefore should get to hold the baby more than we do. Heehee. I think Annie will be on this baby holding high for a while. Maybe enough to last for, say, almost 2 weeks. Almost, so that she will want to come back to the Monday park days!

Kade brought his bike and was happy showing it and riding it around. Here he is riding along the path and with our friends.

Last, but certainly not least, Kate and Jonas :

These are, once again, just samplings of our park day. What a truly wonderful group of people. We had many new families come today, which is very cool. New friends! Who can ask for more?

Once again, I am taken to Kade's level of pleasure : "I LOVE MY LIFE!"

Things I missed

OK, so I forgot these few things!

As I was falling asleep later last week, Kade leans over and says sorrowfully, "Oh, man! I forgot to give Daddy his kazoo lessons. That's the second day in a row."

The next day, though, he did remember. They practiced for quite some time!

I also forgot to mention a few thing about our beach day. Kai was really, really excited about finding those rocks. The one in his right hand is shaped like a human heart and has a reddish hue. The other has great striations and feels 'perfect' in his hand. The last picture in the slideshow is of the baby gulls down by the water. The boys enjoyed watching them. Also, the mound of sand is on the beach right now. I'm assuming it's from the sand displaced by positioning the huge pipe they are using to help dredge the lagoon in preparation for the new desalination plant they are building. The mound of sand was totally fun to play on.

Jeff, Annie and I were talking tonight. In our playful banter we came up with this word : pre-wifery. In the context it was said it was meant more as : before being odoriferous. Then we decided it sounded better in the context : being before wife. Whatcha think?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We've been doing things...honestly!

I don't remember exactly when this was taken, but it hasn't been too long. It is well worth posting. Kai wanted me to take a video of this move from his favorite game : Dragon Ball Z. The camera isn't great at taking video when it is bright, so it is hard to see. Still, I thought it worth posting here...he is pretty cool.

Kai showing a move from Dragon Ball Z from Beachbum on Vimeo.

Mainly, though, we have been getting well. After Annie moved in, Kade got sick. It was that nasty head cold that had been going around. A few days later, Kai started showing symptoms. Now, I don't like it when the kids are sick. However, it is nice to be home for a solid 2 weeks and not go very far. It's amazing all the things you can do in that time!

I was able to get to this huge pile of mending/sewing that had been 'hiding' in plain sight behind the computer. Now it is done, folded, pictured and put away.

It was nice to get this baby out and take it for a spin. I do hope to someday get a *real* sewing machine. Right now I am only able to do straight stitch - and can think a lot about changing the tension, but can't touch the knobs or the machine freaks out. Still, this crazy machine did a great job of putting all these things together and we are wearing them I type. Kai now has pants for the first time this they were all too long to fit. So cool and he is happy with them!

Needless to say, I did get this cold, too, so the time at home was pretty much my down time too. Annie was the only person who managed to stay healthy through our last few weeks. Yeah!

Annie has been making friends, so has been away for part of the weekends. We haven't been sitting home and moping, though. (Sorry, girl!) So, last weekend we hit the beach. Here's the fun:

Beach day 18Jan09 part one from Beachbum on Vimeo.

Beach day 18Jan09 part two from Beachbum on Vimeo.

Beach day 18Jan09 part 3 from Beachbum on Vimeo.

This past week still found me out of commish, so the boys went stir crazy till Annie or Jeff came home. Jeff took them out a few times, they went swimming once and Annie definitely connected with them.

This weekend Kade got this:

The boys took their bikes out for a spin. Kade came back in after a bit, but Kai and Jeff rode all the way to downtown Carlsbad on the path and loved it. Now, the kids and I are hangin' at home. Annie and Kai are playing battleship. Kade is bouncing from watching 6Teen on demand and going in to check on their progress. Jeff is working and missing us. This evening looks like we will get to snuggle and be a family together. Life is definitely awesome.

As Kade has been known to say quite often : "I LOVE MY LIFE !!!!!!!!!"

OOOOOOOooooooo and now that the world isn't spinning anymore for me...I can get back to knitting! Yes!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This sounds fun!

I found this idea on Jean's blog. I love finding new-to-me unschoolers to read about. I love the feeling of being a small part of a bigger community.

So here is the deal:

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me. I will try to make these be about or tailored to those five lucky people. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
- What I create will be just for you.
- It’ll be done this year
- You have no clue what it’s going to be.

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you have to put this in your blog/journal as well. Please link to your blog so that I can visit and read in case we are new friends.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happiness Tree

The Happiness Tree Award asks that you list 6 things that make you happy. Choose 6 friends to tag and leave a trail as to the award's lineage.

Here is what I came up with. This video shows some of the things that make me happy:
memories that connect these pictures,
friends I get to enjoy,
kids I get to spend time with,
a man who is my soul mate and best friend in the whole world.

Think your ready? Pause the music on the sidebar first...and sit back for the flight!

***Music is by Amy Steinberg. You can check her out here Go get you some Amy!***

Happiness Tree video from Beachbum on Vimeo.

I got this award from Flo...who sent it to mutual friends: one, two, three, four and five. I want to spread the love to, I pass the happiness torch to:

Craig and Gillian
Shannon Rose

OK, there are more than 6 and there are more I would love to hear from...go ahead and leave a comment/link and share with us glimpses of your Happiness! You've been tagged, too.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


we can.

I am thankful for video now, as we slept in and missed it - yikes. We did get to see it on the computer, though, and we certainly were pleased. I look forward to seeing what he can accomplish. Mostly, I agree with Shannon and am excited enough, for the first time, to be a part of this new era.

Have you seen the website? It's pretty neat and I can't wait to explore it more. Go check it out here.

Tagged, I have been

Thanks to my friend, Flo, I have this award. Thank you!

It is the Tree of Happiness Award. According to the rules of receiving this, I will post 6 things that make he happy. I'm preparing their presentation, so hang in there!

Pictures found of friends of the girl...

Maybe we will get to see them in person soon?!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Now that Baba has received her birthday gifts, I can post the picture of them in the process of being done. I love the rice socks, and Kade and I (sometimes Kai) enjoy the warmth they provide us nightly. I also like them when I can't seem to get my foot warm - these work almost as well as hot water, but without the pressure of the water on the foot or the after shock of the cool air. Anyhoo, they are easy, easy to make. Take a clean men's crew sock. Fill the foot half full of rice and knot the top. Decorate with markers. For added interest, you can add an essential oil of your choice or dried herbs inside the sock itself before you knot it. These are great for a kid project as it takes so little time and they can put as much effort into it as they feel like (even decorate it in shifts) and still get something they want. When new, one of these will be warm enough in about 30 seconds in the microwave! Can't beat the speed. It's pretty much the only thing we use the microwave for. Hope you try it out, those of you who crawl into a cold bed at night might like this ever so much!

The blank sock ended up having a few flowers and a few thin petals on it. A great henna design gone wild on a sock!

It's fun to see the pictures that are arriving on our computer. Now that she has her own computer up and running, I'm sure I will find less and less of these on here. Too bad for me and you.

For those of you who have now seen the big pictures of the dream shoes...well I have been trying to think of ways to see this foot thing in a positive way. I think I have been thinking too much about healing and not enough about living. All my focus has been on what I need to do to get back to health and not how I'm spending my time. I had a major energy shift on the 7th, of which I have only lapsed back into a funk once since then, and the 7th is the day I decided I would just start living my life and putting my focus there.

While at dinner with Jeff the other weekend, I noticed one of the employees had on a gorgeous pair of heels. OK, so if you know me, and have known me for the last 12 years or so you may find it funny that I want to wear heels at all! Truth is, I hated them when I was required to wear them every day. However, now that I have stopped resenting that time (heehee), I find I would truly enjoy dressing up and wearing heels again. So, to honor that thought, I have posted the pictures of my favorites here so I am reminded of how cool they are! And of how I will put a pair of heels on every day I am pain free...and take advantage of the time I can wear them when I get it again. I think I told Jeff I'd wear them every day, but that may be just a tad of an exaggeration...

Mainly, though, I am giving thanks for the new shoes I have made for myself and the fact that I am living this fabulous life I have with my now family of 5. I thank this universe whole heartedly.

It is also wonderful that I was able to see a movie with the man today!!! A date, you say? Well in the 10 years we have been together we have now seen a total of 8 movies in the theater without our young ones there. Most of those eight times were before Kai was born! Maybe we can rectify the lapses of time between since we both truly enjoy that time seeing the shows. At least I hope to go often enough to remember to bring a tissue with me - since it seems I will always cry during every movie I see! Wet hanky gal that I am.

I am also grateful to the friends who entertained our boys while Jeff and I got a whoppin' 5 hours of today to spend together...THANKS!

Word cloud idea from my friend, Flo

Here is what the blog shows about the words on this blog. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


OK, so this is a great resource...and I love space!!! Here is a movie on how they now think the moon was created. Too cool. Kai really enjoyed this one, too.

For other space fans out there, you can get the APOD - the Astronomy Picture Of the Day...

Or you can check out this Kai is on now!

Park day celebration!

We got to enjoy Annie with us this park day and she was able to meet some of the people we hang out with often. I had brought a bit of henna with me, so we ended up applying it to many (the kids love it!). I am hoping our friends got pictures, for we only managed to take a few. I was in league with another, Flint, who brought an air brush tattoo set and Kade loves his red dragon.

Kade wants to write this: "poop" "i like boobies" He says he can't believe he wrote that!

OK, so the park day was a true blast. Kade scared me many times with his spider. Annie and I took turns pushing him on the swings - even though he knows how to do it himself, he still likes us to be there too. Kai ran around and enjoyed being with his friends. He managed to lose a shoe in the process, which is ok now since he wears the same size I do. (How do they grow so fast?!) Kade rode his turtle while Cameron rode his scooter, so they had much fun, too. Annie was totally thrilled to hold the baby of the group. Just seeing her face light up was incredible! All in all it was a fabulous time!

Here are some random pictures I took at the beginning of the day...

I truly love our community. It is good to see everyone and see how the kids just enjoy each other. Thanks, friends, for being there. We look forward to closing down the park with you next week, too!