Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting ready for the concert...

Ok, I had to do this because in a while I will be singing it with Amy Steinberg in Black Mountain, NC!


  1. Did you do that henna tattoo?! HOW FREAKIN' COOL!!!! and I'm green with envy.......................

    have an awesome time!!!

  2. Yep, I did it. Only wish it could do the song a touch of justice... it's my attempt at it. It sure is fun. And I'll be good and practiced for get ready. Or, by then maybe even have a great henna belly sized one?

    Thanks! We are too excited!!!!!

  3. jealousy, jealousy, jealousy....I'm sure if I was brave enough to look in the mirror I'd be GREEN about not getting to sing with you and Amy ;)

    Peace & Abundance-Cid
