Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I've been tagged...

My friend Randi tagged me...so here goes.

Quirky Meme
Mention six quirky, yet boring, unspectacular details
about yourself. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them
know they've been tagged. If you participate, let the person
know who tagged you you've posted your quirks!

1. I count! Yes, I do. While drinking, I count how many swallows. When I knit or crochet, I count the stitches I'm making (out loud or in my head) whether or not I need to.

2. I have to have all the dishes washed or put in the dishwasher before I can cook anything. There is no relevence to space available. If there is a cup out, it needs to be dealt with first!

3. The shampoo bottle and conditioner bottle have to be in the right order...with the lables the same direction. Shampoo first - with front lable forward - and conditioner next to it - also with the front lable facing forward.

4. Did I mention I count? Well, when I braid Kai's hair, I have to weave the braid an even number of 3...so each strand gets the same amount of turns. :)

5. When I put the pillowcases on the pillows, the same colors go on the same pillows. Kai, for example, has a green pillowcase. Jeff has numerous (yes, I count them, too) pillows and all have their own color case. This way he will know which pillow is which (since they are all different types). Of course I've been doing this forever and he just noticed this past week!!! Mine is most likely the floral pillow case and Kade's matches whichever sheets are on the bed.

6. I change the way I hold a pen/pencil regularly...mostly in the hopes that it will improve my penmanship. Anyone who has seen my writing will tell you it hasn't worked yet...but I still try.

OK, I'm going to tag a few people...

I will await to see the exciting things that come up...

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