Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well, nothing much has happened since Lego Land...and if you believe that I have something else (I'll come up with what it is later :)) to sell you!

We went on an adventure. First we headed up to the Joyful Camp out 2008 held in North Lake Tahoe. Here is a bunch of pictures taken by our friends... We stayed overnight in Bristol on our caravan up with the Gomez-Fisher family. Then we visited June Lake and Mono Lake on our way up to Tahoe. Then we spent Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun there at the back yard of friends with 5 other families. I'll try and get back here to post more of the happenings when we settle down a bit.

Then on 8/3 we headed down the mountains to Sacramento. We met Annie there and spent the week with our dear friends Phil, Tracy and Eve. While there we tried to find room and job for Annie. She was scheduled to start the Paul Mitchel School on 8/19. There was much to do and too little time. For those factors and more (which I may get into later as well) she ended up asking for an extension of time in order to begin class after the beginning of the new year. The school said yes (thankfully!) and so our trip was a learning endeavor and a fun time spent together. We also were able to spend part of the afternoon with our great family that live in the Sacramento area. Now we have also hooked up with a group of fellow unschoolers in Sacramento - so when we return we will have those new friends to meet as well. We feel blessed to know so many cool people. Big waves (and huge hugs) from us to you our family! Thanks for taking the time to drive to see us!

We came home and collapsed for about a week. I was probably the only one to really collapse, though! The boys were busy working on their projects and having the tv and computer available to them whenever they wanted. I know they were tired! Jeff had to make a quick overnight trip to San Fran. The boys really missed him so much. There is no question I did, too! Then we had karate to make up and Prana (that cool therapy that he provides is a life saver) to see and playgroup to meet with on the beach. The group is meeting at the beaches for the summer and so we have been to La Jolla Shores, Moonlight Beach, North Cardiff State Beach and back to La Jolla Shores.

Jeff had an extended business trip this past week. He left on Tuesday and came home on Saturday. We filled our time up pretty well...beach, pool, Josh's family play and dinner date, the Shipp family play and dinner date, and more pool time. We drove down to pick Jeff up from the airport on Saturday and spent the rest of the day cooling off in the pool and hangin' out at home. Today we have errands.

What has made it difficult to stay here and write much is we are getting ready for L&L. I have been making things for the raffle. I'll take pictures later and show ya what you are missin'!

This week is full too. We have park day on Monday, play time with the Shipps (the last one, boohoohoo), time out for Mom's, and pool play with a friend on Thursday. That leaves us one full day to pack and be ready to leave...

So...this may be quiet for a bit...but know we love ya all!! Hope you are having too much fun to visit the blog!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting boxes ready for L & L too. Thinking of making some earrings tonight. Keep thinking about what you said about the silence with Brenna gone. It is way too quiet here with just Logan and I. Broc and Brenna gone all week. I am so looking forward to next week...and seeing you all again!
