Saturday, December 6, 2008

a few things Kade

Well, as you may know, there is this reaper of souls called 'death'. Every once in a while a visit to the costume box will allow you to personally change into the reaper. Today, Kade decided this would be fun. Soon he was finding us in the kitchen. He asked me to step aside so he could approached Jeff.
"Are you Jeff?", the reaper asks.
"No!" Jeff answers as he points at me. "She is."
"I don't believe you." says the reaper. "Come with me."
So they go into the next room. The reaper asks Jeff to lay down and prepare himself for the worst. The reaper proceeds to take Jeff's soul. Then, the reaper sews Jeff back up and says he can go back into the kitchen and get the reaper some food.

Playtime lasts most of the day. Kade is especially good at creating games. Today, in the fort they made in the closet that houses all the toy bins, Kade made up a dice game he called 'Dice of power'. In this game each player has a die. On their turn they toss the die against the second tier of toy bins. If it falls into a bin, it's the next players turn. If the die falls to the floor and is a 1, 2, 3 or 4, the player gets the correlating number of points. If the die falls to the floor and is a 5 or a 6, the player gets to have another turn. The first person to get to 20 wins. Today, Kade was keeping track of the score by comparing numbers. So at one point he had 4 points and Jeff had 1. Kade noted that he was 3 ahead...until Jeff rolled a 2. Then Kade figured out he was only 1 ahead. The next turn, Kade rolled a 3, at which point he added up his own score to 7 and was pleased when Jeff only rolled a 3. This meant the score was Kade 7, Jeff 6. This went on until Kade won.

This is only two snippets from the's like this a lot.


  1. Prepare the worse! I love it! The creativity and simplicity is amazing. I love it!

  2. "Are you Jeff?", "No"....I think I would have said no too..scary! LOL
