Tuesday, November 11, 2008

21 years ago...

...I met this woman. And what a gift she is.

I have grown so much since we met. She has been here for me. She has always been a safe person to talk to. She has given me nudges to be more, care more, love more, respect more. I have learned to see the earth as an integral part of my healthy being; I listen to her sounds and appreciate her music.

I met Thamar in vocal jazz. I loved singing with her and hearing her voice. I loved the excitement and energy she brought to the music and group. Other things we did: we went on a rescue run to save some poodles, we went to Pollard Flat to watch people come out of the bathroom in shock and/or laughing at the fact there was a mannequin in there. She shared her home when I needed it. She trusted me with her 'kids' (dogs and cats) while she was away. We have shared so much life, I can't even write it all here! What I value, besides her authenticity, is that we can talk every 6 months or year and feel like we just spoke yesterday. We share a connection. Our lives were meant to intertwine. I thank her, so much, for being a part of my life.

I miss walking with her and talking with people. I being shy of 5'. She being over 6'. It has always been comical watching the bobbing heads of those we talked with! Did we have fun with that?!? Well, maybe!

Happy Birthday, Thamar!

Thamar lives close to Mt. Shasta. I wanted to share with you some of the beauty found in Thamar's back yard...

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful friend memory; thanks for sharing.

    On the height differential thing, the girlfriend I was with before I met and married Ronnie was 6' in her stocking feet to my barely-over-5. As a couple, we generated our fair share of stares.
