Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Party...

was a ton of fun. We had people arrive beginning at 6:00pm and they trickled in with the last arriving at 8:00. The kids played with all our toys, played 'fishing for monsters, and pumpkin bean bag toss. The mini spiders were fun, too. As usually happens at our house, the wii was turned on and since our youngest guest, Jonas, was here - Jeff started us out with "My Name Is Jonas" by the rock band Weezer. Once out and all, guitar hero became a great entertainment for young and old. I think pretty much all the dads had a go and the kids loved it and took turns playing. The mom's hung out and talked, followed the kids around and just seemed to relax in the moments. After everyone got here, we headed out to trick-or-treat down the side streets near here. They managed to get enough loot to be happy. After getting back the organization of it all began...then trades were made. The potluck food was tasty. Kai wanted to bake a pumpkin pie, so we did that. A tad too done, but still really tasty. In prep for the party, we pierced an apple with a bunch of cloves and added it, plus cinnamon and sucanat to some apple juice and was it ever yummy!

We ended up being blessed with overnight guests. The only challenge was that Charis and Kade didn't want to go to we were up until 3:30 am! If you are familiar with Sandra Boynton's "I'm not tired" you'll get the general feel of the whole thing! Now just visualize it with us moms in place of the little bear and the kids as the narrator...

Here are the pictures from my camera. The one above with all the adults is from Mandy (thanks!) I can't wait to see the pictures others took! I'll post them as soon as I get them.

Halloween 2008 from Beachbum on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. We had a really wonderful time, Ginger. Sorry we got there late...sounds like we missed the games, but my girls (& hubby) all really enjoyed themselves.
