Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ode to the tooth...

...the tooth about to come out! Here are quite possibly the last of the 2 front teeth pictures we will be able to enjoy for a while!!!

He is quite excited about loosing these two. He even went so far as pulling the crooked one practically all the way out.

He practiced spitting water out of the gap last night! Oh, to be young again...

Ok, this is obviously not a tooth...but a very cute ear :). I am a mama and love all their little parts!

the "vampire" pose.

1 comment:

  1. I love the seven year old teeth phase! I can't get enough of seeing Flint smile, teeth in various stages of coming out, growing in, or missing all together. Did you see Obama's daughter Sasha at the convention? She's seven too and had that same endearing toothless grin! I'll have to tell Flint about Kade's water spitting trick. :)
    Hey, I've finally entered the world of blogging if you're interested:

    P.S. My Word verification for this post: poodu. I love potty humour!
