Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So, yes we've been busy even if I haven't been blogging about it. Here is a bit of what we did: last Saturday with the black belt club for Kai. Then off to the library we went. Part of what we did there is this game called Zuma. Kade really enjoys it! After the library, we headed out to Toys R Us. While there we picked up a few bike locks for our future use. I mention it because all day Jeff would say all he wanted to make sure we did over the weekend was "bike locks". I never heard it this way...I heard 'buy clocks'. By the end of the day we were really having fun with this! This is even more amusing when you consider that we only have a few clocks in our house (most are on the electrical appliances in our kitchen) and time is not something I relate to very well!

Sunday Kai had his beach training for Karate (see next post) in the morning. They came home and rested enough to eventually get ready for a family beach day. Kade put on his wetsuit and the rest of us our swim gear. After packing really lightly, we headed out on foot to the beach. How cool it is that we went and are able to reach there on foot! The boys really enjoyed themselves in the water. I got to rest on the sand and try and absorb all those negative ions!

Monday found us at the pool for a few hours and at Karate for another black belt session.

Tuesday found us at Karate, again. This time for a special seminar on a specific type of hold. We left Kai there (for the first time ever!) and headed back to the house to pack for the beach park day with our friends. We then trekked back to pick up Kai, a sandwich and fixings from Submarina (for lunch on the beach) and a smoothie from Jamba Juice for the ride down there. We got there right after the parking lot filled up! After a few rounds around the parking lot (and a lot of, "let's think good parking vibes", we got the ideal spot close to the beach. The boys wasted no time in finding their friends and heading out into the water. I had enough time to drop our stuff and dash after they started to get to where the surfers like to hang...which is too far for this not so strong of a swimmer. I had, by then, soaked my skirt and shirt that I intended to leave on the towels (nice and dry) for the ride home. All's good that ends well! They were both used to help keep the sun off my now ragingly burned skin. Kade wore his wetsuit (such a great investment!) and was in the water 98% of the time. Kai was playing in the water and out of the water. I am amazed by how they both are so comfortable in the water and are learning about how to be in the ocean. It is great fun to see them interact with the waves - sometimes making it through them, sometimes choosing to body surf them back to shore. We always are reminded about the tug the water has, as we found ourselves constantly having to trek back to be in front of our things. By the end of the day, they were digging in the sand and getting quite a large hole and ridge round it to form a barrier from the oncoming surf. I was quite amazed by their use of the kelp to help fortify their barrier. They piled sand on top to keep it getting higher. Ella was the master of the watery sand sculpture. She had an elaborate design going on her part of the ridge. I loved watching her build it! The time came to pack our things. On their way toward our things they noticed another master builder who had built structures as tall as the boys and very intricate. Towers, bridges, roadways and all...perfect for inquisitive minds and happy feet...for the holes that were dug to get that sand. They even had a pit for watery sand. The builders had dug this hole and then gone down and filled it with water. The ensuing sand was perfect for the structures details (just as Ella had done on hers) and was perfect for Kade to bury his feet in! After trying to get him out for a few minutes, we succeeded and then headed up to rinse off and swap things with our Gomez friends.

Today we are just hanging out at the house. This has been good for our red skin and our tired bodies. Tomorrow we will head out to another Karate seminar for Kai. Friday is a chill day. Saturday we hope to have friends who will join us for a blast at the beach. Sunday is the unschooling family park day. Monday it starts all over again. Tuesday I hope we make it to Lego Land for our final hurrah. Wednesday we head out for a camping trip (without hubby Jeff) and get to see a part of California we have never seen before. Yippee! Camping gear rally till then!

Hugs to our Annie who left for TX for a week visit. Our love goes with her!

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