Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kai quote of the week

Kai's quotes usually require a bit of introduction or at least some background information to be fully understood. This time, though, not so much...

Jeff and Kai were watching the UCONN Huskies basketball team on tv together this morning and Kai says to Jeff, out of the blue:

"I think I'm starting to come around on this Kade guy."

This is sweet. I laughed because Kai is so obviously fond of his brother. At least to us who see him interact with Kade on a daily basis. They don't always get along (who does?) but they do most of the time.

It shows, too, that Kade is getting older and is able to keep up better. Not physically, for Kade has always believed he can do what Kai does (and most times is right). But mentally, too. It is so cool to see their relationship change as they mature and grow. It's totally fascinating and heart warming.

Kai, the thinker, has spoken.

1 comment:

  1. Hey grrrl... got something for you. :) Watch my blog on Saturday.. Wee!
