Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Park day

These days are like a rejuvination of spirit. It's hard to explain. They are fun and it's great to see friends and talk and play. But we have also charged our positive emotions and see life with more enthusiasm and enjoyment. Crazy, huh?

Well, Kai and Kade had a blast. Kade managed to play inside a car. Kai managed to play with friends and run and have quite time with those he wished. We missed some of our regulars (you know who you are) but really had fun with those we did spend time with...

Which leads me to this : I have been blessed, yet again, to put henna on a baby belly! Thanks, Jen!! Here are all the pictures she so nicely took...

Anne was at the park with her 3 plus Soren (6 days old)!!!

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