Monday, June 16, 2008

Bath time fun

For those who have been looking, I am now having to make up for the fact I didn't blog for a couple days. I don't want to glob them all together, cause I like having them be their own I experienced them. However, you may find there is more than one post a day when I've been away playing with my family...

We went to the park today. I love the weather here, it is warm with a touch of breeze here and there. Today we were a bit more inland so the temp was perfect for this lizard, but the boys have better temperature gauges than their Mama, so were pretty hot. They played for about 5 hours out in the park with friends they enjoy. When we got home, just moments before Jeff, the boys were still in the play mode. As they do so often, they tried to initiate the imagination/rough housing play their Daddy is so good at doing with them. About 2 minute later, Jeff announces they are far too stinky to even get close to! So, into the back bathroom Kade goes (does it make sense to you that the smallest body in our house loves the biggest bathtub we have? Maybe it's because it's more like a mini swimming pool in there?). Out comes Kai and he asks for me to help him get the bathtub perfect for him. At 9 he doesn't need my help. He knows this and has done his own prep, but just wasn't ready to be alone. I readily got up and set the water at the 'perfect' tepidness and he quickly got in and started to play in the water. I started to go and he said, 'Hey, Mama, could you just hang out with me? You could go get your knitting and just sit in here and that would be fine with me." Sure! I'm all for that (any knitting time is welcomed!). So, I got the precious project and sat on the floor next to the tub. He started out being my pet dolphin...with the questions about how long they can stay under water (as he shows me he can be under for awhile). Then he's onto counting how long he can stay under. Turns out he started with 10 seconds. Then he worked on it and made it 15 seconds by the time he was done with messing around that way. Then with his long hair floating in the water he came up and said he was an "aquatic alien" that has "zombie properties" that let him "steal brains from unsuspecting people near by". I, of course, pretended (although it isn't that much of a stretch!) to be brainless...which he thought was hilarious. He then moved onto just being in the water and not really needing or wanting my attention. How cool it is that he wants to spend time with me and doesn't have any problem telling me what he wants. How cool that he can just come up with these amazing 'games' and be interested in so many things. How cool that he can then just share space, but remain silent and still get something positive out of it. I love these times. I cherish these times. He did ask for me to help him with his long hair in the end. It's the making sure the soap is all out that is the 'no fun' part. He loves his hair. It is beautiful. He is beautiful and it radiates out so all can see.

1 comment:

  1. This post just made me smile - and totally reminded me of something my sister and I would've done - but would've been told no!

    How awesome that you can enjoy your kid (and he can also realize what you enjoy) and hang out together and have fun!

    You rock!
