Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Road Trip - our weekend part 2

I have to say that driving 8 hours in a car can be a challenge. It can, however, be a blessing too. I realized Jeff and I got the chance to talk with each other - really talk! It wasn't the five sentence transactional talk that can sometimes dominate our relationship due to the wee ones needing something. I also believe they sense when we are happy and loving each other through our conversation and just feel the need to be a part of that. What I discovered is we, the adults (a term loosely used), were able to talk more about ideas and things than we have in quite some time. I love to talk to Jeff this you who have done so will know, it's fun to see what comes out of his mouth! It's also good to see what he invites you to find out about yourself. He's wonderful to dream with. This is one of the things that has been so important to me. He's shared his dreams with me and I've shared mine with him. Even more so, I love the ones we've taken and lived out together. We were able to expand on this for 8 hours!

Other things happened, too. After the graduation ceremony we went to the movies. We decided the boys had been great enough to do what others expected of them and they asked for something they really wanted. We saw Kung Fu Panda and loved it. The theatre was cozy and yet we weren't crammed in there. It's fun to see a movie with the boys because they can respond so differently than other kids. Kai is definitely louder than most...and so sometimes this means the other adults giggle at his excitement or observations...and sometimes other kids will get what he's just helped them understand. In this case his laughter helped others laugh. Kade's voice is pretty deep and it really surprises even us when we hear it sometimes. I love that he comments more at the crashes and mistakes that are dramatized than he does the jokes. So you hear an, 'oh, man!' said in a deep giggle after Po takes a header down the stairs! The film itself was enjoyable for all of us. We appreciate Pixar in this way. Kai says we need to buy it as soon as it comes out on DVD.

The next day we had to head out and see our part of the world again. The trip back was not as smooth as going...but we can't expect too much out of the boys. WE even had a tougher time of it all. 2/3 of the way home, Kade asks if we can't play a game or something to help pass the time. Jeff talks about one game we played here. It's hard when you are trying to keep up with these boys! I also enjoyed our version of the alphabet game. You remember finding the a,b,cs on signs and things. Well, we had a great time with that game too. Kade just kept on skipping to whatever letter he wanted or was excited about! We moved onto: I'm thinking of a movie game. This one was even more challenging since you have to know what movies they have seen and like. More hints were given and we were able to really get into the game. Those boys keep my mind spinning.

We made it home and are comfortably getting readjusted to being here...

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