Friday, June 13, 2008

I've journeyed 39 times around the sun.

It's true now. Although I don't feel as young as the smaller foot, I do feel as young as when I held my first child's foot almost a decade ago. Time flows seamlessly - never pausing. It's a joy of mine for me to pause in life to see where I am in relation to those around me. And as I do so now I see so many I care for in so many ways. I see others who I would have loved living closer to so I could have known them better and longer. All in all I feel blessed.

Kai got up early with Jeff as Kade and I slept on. After Jeff left for work, Kai waited an eternity (30 minutes) before he couldn't stand knowing my card and gift were waiting to be opened. So, here he came in to awaken Kade (who rolled over and grunted) to help him sing. Finding brother wasn't as involved as he wished he would be, he climbed over and touched me ever so gently and began to sing to me. His eyes so bright and the love so real, it makes my heart swell just thinking of it. Of course, having stayed up until the wee hours the night before, I was looking at this scene through cloudy, tired eyes that wanted to do exactly what Kade had done! "Mama, you have to open your card and present", Kai says to me. "Can I wait just 15 minutes to wake up a touch?", I ask. With a Kai smile he says he'll be back then. Sure enough, 15 minutes later, he comes in with the card and gift in hand. By this time, Kade has decided it might be ok to snuggle and be a part of what is happening and we get to have a few minutes of together time before the card miraculously appears yet again. As I open it, their eyes are bright with excitement. They don't notice I'm watching them while I open the envelope. Their eyes are fixed on my hands opening the card. Excitement, joy and anticipation of what they know I will find. These are more gifts for a Mama. A perfect beginning of a wonderful day.

After gift we get to just hang out. This alone is a gift because I'm a home body! We went to the pool and swam for an hour before heading off to Karate. Dinner follows and you can read a touch about that here in the 'what I think it means for unschooling' section. We came home and the boys decorated an ice cream sandwich with our birthday candle* and I get sung to once again. I realize as I'm wishing and getting help with the blowing out of the flame, that my wish is already here and has come true. My life is filled with the things I value and need. Laughter and fun thrive here. Music is everywhere and we all enjoy in it. And I get to snuggle with my boys (all 3 of them) every evening and give as much love as I have. What an adventure...exciting things are just around the minute...

39 journeys. I look forward to many more.

*The birthday candle is a candle that was placed on the food tray the midwives fixed for us just after Kade was born. We all look forward to lighting it every birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I love the birthday candle- what an awesome tradition.

  2. Happy Birthday a weekend on! It was so wonderful to get to see you and to meet Jeff and Kai and Kade. I only chatted with you briefly at Live and Learn. But it was so comforting to _know_ someone and you are such a lovely, friendly face... I'm blathering.

    Yay! Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    Hey Ginger, it's Stephanie from Mt. Juliet, great to see you :)
